So I'm watching CNN and the topic that really got under my skin is the one about the young high school girl who committed suicide because she was being, as they called it, "bullied to death." My initial reaction was that of sadness but then that phrase hit me like a rock...."bullied to death?" I don't want to sound insensitive to the situation but I don't really see how that's possible. In my lifetime spanning just 21 years I've been bullied, teased, ridiculed, and all the other bad things that happens from growing up around other kids but I have never once wanted to kill myself because of it. Now mind you I don’t condone the level at which these kids took it but I certainly don't feel as if these kids should be sentenced to life because of it. What they did was beyond stupid but nowhere near criminal. Kids are cruel, point blank, they hurt each other for no reason other than just to get a laugh out of it, but I doubt that these kids were out to kill her. Persecution for being dumbasses is going overboard; living with the fact that their actions directly caused the death of another human being should be more than enough of a punishment for the remainder of their natural lives. I feel as though people just need a villain to put their own minds at ease. If you want to place the blame somewhere place it on the parents, perpetrators and victim alike.
What kind of parent doesn't notice that their child is an asshole?
If you pay more attention to your kids they won't do stuff like throw an energy drink on poor girl walking home obviously still trying to regroup from your bastard antics earlier that day. Maybe if you spend time getting to know your child you can avoid this jackass in the making. Or maybe you should actually teach your child to respect others differences...better yet have a little talk about overkill and maybe the dumbass will know when they cross the line.
Now the parents of the victim aren't in the clear in my book, paying attention goes for you too. If you see that your child is depressed, talk to them, figure out what it is that is bothering them and help fix it. When I was talked about growing up my grandmother gave me the best piece of advice that I carry with me all my life, she said "Son, when people talk about you let them feel as if they are talking to the wall. Because after talking to a wall that aint gonna answer you back, they gonna walk away feeling really stupid," and she was absolutely right. But what I found out from that is not only will that wall not answer you back, your words will never make a wall give. My family taught me how to be strong enough to love myself no matter what people have to say about me. My parents gave me something that no one can even touch, they instilled in me self pride and if I didn't want to make it for myself they made me create it. Whenever I become a parent I will give my children that same kind of pride, that same kind of strength. I know I'm not the best looking or the smartest or have the nicest body but I do love what I have and who I am. Maybe if you teach your child that people don't have to like you and that at the end of the day the only opinion about you that matters is your own maybe unfortunate situations like this won't happen. Maybe if you let your child know at an early age that you’re their support beams they can be able to handle things like this.
I don't want anyone to think that I don't feel sorry for this family, because I do. No parent should ever have to bury their own child, especially over foolishness. All I want is for parents to learn from this event, that could be your child bullying someone or your child considering hurting themselves. Look out for the warning signs, and be there for your child. Teach them how to love who they are no matter what people say.